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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 1-290

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The Average-Case Complexity of Determining the Majority

Laurent Alonso, Edward M. Reingold, and René Schott

pp. 1-14

Amplification by Read-Once Formulas

Moshe Dubiner and Uri Zwick

pp. 15-38

Minimal Ascending and Descending Tree Automata

Maurice Nivant and Andreas Podelski

pp. 39-58

Threshold Computation and Cryptographic Security

Yenjo Han, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, and Thomas Thierauf

pp. 59-78

Disjoint Rooted Spanning Trees with Small Depths in deBruijn and Kautz Graphs

Zhengyu Ge and S. Louis Hakimi

pp. 79-92

Polynomial-Time Recognition of 2-Monotonic Positive Boolean Functions Given by an Oracle

Endre Boros, Peter L. Hammer, Toshihide Ibaraki, and Kazuhiko Kawakami

pp. 93-109

Navigating in Unfamiliar Geometric Terrain

Avrim Blum, Prabhakar Raghavan, and Baruch Schieber

pp. 110-137

Finite Monoids: From Word to Circuit Evaluation

Martin Beaudry, Pierre McKenzie, Pierre Péladeau, and Denis Thérien

pp. 138-152

Parallelism Always Helps

Louis Mak

pp. 153-172

Stochastic Scheduling with Variable Profile and Precedence Constraints

Zhen Liu and Eric Sanlaville

pp. 173-187

On Bounded Queries and Approximation

Richard Chang, William I. Gasarch, and Carsten Lund

pp. 188-209

Sparse Dynamic Programming for Evolutionary-Tree Comparison

Martin Farach and Mikkel Thorup

pp. 210-230

Total Protection of Analytic-Invariant Information in Cross-Tabulated Tables

Ming-Yang Kao

pp. 231-242

On the Power of Real Turing Machines over Binary Inputs

Felipe Cucker and Dima Grigoriev

pp. 243-254

An $\NC$ Algorithm for Minimum Cuts

David R. Karger and Rajeev Motwani

pp. 255-272

Resource Bounds for Self-Stabilizing Message-Driven Protocols

Shlomi Dolev, Amos Israeli, and Shlomo Moran

pp. 273-290